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“Thinking back and after talking to Bimbo Coker, it’s safe to say you are in on Kunle’s fraud and dirty lifestyle Flew your son, clothed him, gave him pocket money, helped him with every sweat in my body, you watched your son dupe me for all my hard earned money. She went on to reveal even his ex-wife paid for her own wedding. “You disappoint me even Bimbo Coker paid for her own wedding and bride price. Is this a curse?“

This comes after Lara Olubo an OAP who is also a niece of Olakunle Churchill’s mother released a message between Tonto and her mother-in-law.
Meanwhile, Churchill’s first wife Bimbo commented on Lara’s post saying that her ex-husband family are all liars.
“Smh, this people will never stop lying or even change from their evil ways… soon I know your can of worms will be open Kunle and you mom..Wicked family filled with evil thoughts and evil plans. Someday people will know the real you kunle,just can’t wait for that day to come.”

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