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    Jul 13, 2017

    9 Weird Things Our Body Does That You Never Knew Were Defense Mechanisms

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    The human body is an unpredictable mix of various natural cycles and frameworks that often are troublesome for us, people, to get it. One of these frameworks is the arrangement of barrier instruments of our body. These resistance instruments shield our body from hurt relentless – they are truly dynamic 24 hours per day, seven days seven days, and they shield us from every one of the things that can do a damage to our body. 

    Here we display you a portion of the various safeguard instruments that our body does and that we won't not have acknowledged are in charge of barrier and insurance of our body.


    Image result for Yawning
    Once our brain becomes overheated or overloaded, we yawn, as a way to cool our brain down.


    Image result for Sneezing
    Once our nasal passages fill up with a number of allergens, dust, microbes, and other irritants, we sneeze. This is actually our body’s method of elimination of all that trash.


    Image result for Stretching
    Most people stretch instinctively in order to prepare the body for the physical loads waiting for us throughout the upcoming day. Stretching is also good for the muscles, for the blood flow, as it restores it, and for the mood, as it improves it.


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    Eating quickly and swallowing big pieces of food or simply overeating is bad and can irritate our pneumogastric nerve, which is closely linked to our stomach and diaphragm. So, the hiccups show up as a warning and a way to protect our diaphragm and stomach.

    Myoclonic jerks

    Image result for Myoclonic jerks
    You probably have experienced the strange feeling once gets when they lie down to go to sleep and the drifting off of the body which is jolted for a moment by what it resembles an electric shock. This is the moment when all of the body muscles spasm so strongly so that you nearly fall out of bed, and you immediately wake up.
    Sound familiar? Now let’s explain what exactly is happening when you experience this. When you start falling asleep, the frequency of your breathing quickly falls, while the pulse slows down only very slightly and the muscles are relaxed. Unbelievably, but the brain interprets these developments as heralding death, so it gives you a jolt in order to try and save you.

    Wrinkling of the skin

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    You know the wrinkles that appear on the skin of the hands? Well, they are important, as this is a phenomenon that occurs when the body encounters a raised amount of moisture and realizes that the environment might be slippery. Thanks to this immediate change of the skin on the hands it is easier for you to grip smooth surfaces.

    Loss of memory

    Image result for Loss of memory
    This is an occurrence that most commonly happens after some unpleasant experiences. Hence, the brain finds it most appropriately to literally delete the most awful moments from the memory that might cause distress.


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