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    May 22, 2017

    Five Years Old Boy Tears Up N2.7M Of His Fathers Money - Photos

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    A five-year-old boy in China has ripped off £ 5,500 bills after his parents left him alone at home.
    The boy's parents were surprised to find the notes ripped off when they returned home in Qingdao on May 20, reports Huanqiu, an affiliation with People's Daily Online.
    The father took the notes to the bank, but once there, they told him that they could only replace them if he could reconstruct the notes.
    Expensive: The five-year-old had been left unattended at home when he started the notes
    The boy found the 50,000 yuan of hidden cash while staying home alone
    Father whose hand was sewn in his STOMACH to heal afterwards ...
    The boy reportedly found the money hidden while he stayed home unattended.
    The five-year-old played with cash in the amount of 50,000 yuan (£ 5,500) before tearing it into small pieces.
    The father surnamed Gao told reporters that he had tried to bring the pieces to the bank and change them to new notes.
    Severe Consequences: According to his father, the money was a loan from the bank
    However the workers at the bank told him that he would have to stick all the pieces together before they gave him the fresh money.
    Mr. Gao says that the pieces are too small making him unable to rebuild them.
    He told reporters, "I've tried carefully for two days, but really can only gather a few. Some were ripped in three pieces while others were ripped in a dozen."
    According to the father who is a businessman, the money was a loan from the bank.

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