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Jul 21, 2017

What's Your Reaction If You Found Out Your Partner Has an STD?

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In case you by one means or another missed all the Internet buzz of the previous 24 hours, reports assert that American artist, Usher Raymond transmitted Herpes to a lady and paid her over a million dollars to keep close. 

Herpes is a typical sexually transmitted infection [infection, if that is the thing that you prefer] that stays in the body forever in the event that you reach it. 

The infection is normal and causes bruises on your private parts or potentially mouth. It can be annoyingly difficult, yet it is said to not prompt genuine medical issues.

You can contact it by having actual or oral sex with someone that has it, and mind you a lot of Nigerians have it too but only few people actually know they do.
Usher Raymond got the lady infected and paid her a million dollars to hush (Black Doctor)
W.H.O says 67% of the world population has the Infection, so chances are that someone you know has it, maybe even a partner.
While the idea of having a partner with an STD might repulse you and make you recoil, the truth is that this is a possibility.
Because they are your regular/only sexual partner, the chances maybe very low, but you can't completely rule out the possibility of getting an STD from them.
Recall Tonto Dikeh's allegation that she caught STD from her Oladunni Churchill, her estranged husband.
So here's the question, what will your reaction be if you find out that your partner has an STD?
Let's know your thoughts on this in the comment section below.

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