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Unfortunately for our brother, the did has been done and to be honest, we at Naijapals think he did it, its unfortunate that its only those caught that are the thieves, Dammy Krane was naive to think things dont work in other countries, like it is in Nigeria, what can drive a budding artist to such a heinous crime is beyond imagination, anyway, this is what the private jet company tweeted to confirm that Dammy Krane actually used a stolen credit card in the USA

and to think Dammy Krane really flxed in those private jet? see flicks of him in the private jets:
.... and this is Dammy Kranes pal, Chukwuebuka (See video of him in the private jet above), also arrested for fraud:
and alot of people thought his issues must have been compounded by his relationship to his mentor - Saucekid, who is currently in jail for credit card fraud
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